
Asso. Director, Strategic Project 35-60k·13薪
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Recruiter · 拜耳
工作职责 * Actively work with senior leaders to execute PH China strategy and solve complex strategic and operational problems to achieve sustained innovation driven business growth * Lead the planning & execution of large internal events (e.g. China PH leader conference) * Work cross functionally to drive important projects / initiatives for PH China * Closely monitor China healthcare industry latest development including major policy changes, healthcare reform directions, local innovation landscape, competitor intelligence etc. and derive strategic implications for PH China * Prepare management presentations for local and global management meetings * Manage communications to internal (local and global) and external stakeholders to create or maintain a positive company image * Support all senior leaders in completing the successful transformation in its new operating model 任职要求 * 6+ years of experience in pharma, life science industry or management consulting * University degree in Business, Economics, Medicine, Medical engineering, Data Science or related fields from a top university; MBA or consulting background is a plus * Deep understanding of the China healthcare industry dynamics including major policy changes, healthcare reform directions, local innovation landscape, etc. * Experience in working with senior management to drive cross-functional projects / initiatives * Outstanding strategic thinking and communication skills in driving strategic or transformational projects with complex stakeholder setup * Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, able to build trustful relationships and cooperate with colleagues and stakeholders (internal and external) of different levels, cultures and professional backgrounds. * Adaptable, able to work in a fast-changing environment, able to manage complexity and manage ambiguity. * Excellent analytic skills and good command of Microsoft Office to make management level presentations for complex topics * Native level Chinese, excellent command of written and spoken English


公司介绍 拜耳是一家全球化创新型企业,在生命科学领域的健康与营养方面具有核心竞争力。拜耳致力于以创新的产品帮助解决当今人类社会所面临的一些重大挑战。随着人类预期寿命不断延长,人口不断增长,拜耳通过专注于预防、缓解和治疗疾病的研发活动来改善人们的生活质量。与此同时,拜耳通过突破性创新帮助农户、消费者得到健康、安全、可负担的食物,并且生产过程对社区、对环境友好。“拜耳:科技创造美好生活”是我们的使命,我们的目标是改善人们的生活质量。 拜耳于1863年创立,迄今已有150多年的历史,公司总部位于德国勒沃库森,全球拥有超过10万名员工。2019年财富世界500强排行榜中拜耳排名240位。早在1882年拜耳公司进入中国市场,至今已经超过130年。随着中国成为世界上增长最快的市场之一,拜耳也逐步加大了在这里的投入。拜耳中国总部位于上海,截至2019年12月底,拥有超过9,000名员工。2019年拜耳在中国的销售额超过到37亿欧元。 拜耳在中国有三大事业部:处方药、健康消费品和作物科学,并运营着多家工厂。早在1936年拜耳就开始在上海生产阿司匹林,目前本地生产在中国的销售额中所占比重越来越大。伴随着正在进行的一些重大投资项目,拜耳致力于成为在中国发展的主要引擎。 多年以来,拜耳作为人们心目中的理想雇主屡获殊荣,2019年我们荣膺中国杰出雇主、中国典范雇主、非凡雇主101、中国大学生喜爱雇主等多个奖项。同时,拜耳也是提供均等机会的雇主。我们尊重并公平对待他人,不论其宗教、国籍、民族、文化、性别或性取向,我们重视并弘扬多元文化。“敢想|勇为”(Passion to innovate | Power to change)是拜耳的雇主品牌宣言,它概括了拜耳作为雇主的全部特点:其工作文化与公司对目前和未来员工的期望以及对他们的回报。


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