
MSL Manager-上海-Immunology 薪资面议
上海-浦东新区 5-10年 硕士
带薪年假 交通补助 通讯津贴 午餐补助 技能培训 岗位晋升 五险一金 500强
Role Purpose 职位目标 The Medical Science Liaison Manager is accountable for leading and driving performance of MSL teams by: • Driving the performance of the MSL team by setting business objectives and priorities that ensure delivery of the Medical Affairs plans and metrics. • Developing the MSL team’s capabilities to achieve world-class scientific engagement through excellence in day-to-day management and coaching of their people. • Planning and prioritizing MSL resources and activities to deliver value externally with external experts, and internally with matrix partners to support business objectives. Key Accountabilities/Responsibilities主要工作职责 • Responsible for the overall performance of the MSL team and the ongoing capability development of their people by effectively leading, coaching, and managing. • Accountable for MSL performance metrics by setting clear vision and expectation for their team, and by actively driving a continuous improvement mindset. • Lead the development of strategy, processes, and capabilities that optimize scientific engagement with external experts. • Ensure relevant consolidated medical insights are effectively and appropriately shared across the business and strongly represent the medical voice of the external expert and the patient. • Effectively integrate the MSL team within Medical Affairs and work collaboratively with all crossfunctional business partners to ensure aligned implementation of MSL activities to strategic business plans. • Work closely with sales leadership to ensure optimal alignment and ways of working between Sales and MSL teams. • Prioritize work and MSL resources across the team (i.e., operational budget management, staffing levels, etc.) to meet the needs of the Medical plans. • Effectively recruit talent into the MSL team and facilitate robust onboarding of all new starters. • Ensure compliance of the MSL team with GSK standards and policies, and with local codes of practice, guidelines and laws by driving a “can do” culture whereby MSLs use sound medical judgment in their day-to-day activities. • Stretch in role for TA/Organization/LOC initiatives. • Coordinate/Lead project (operation, capability, Governance, etc). • Cross-functional collaboration. • Breadth/ Scope of Accountability Provide details of any scope data relevant to the role e.g. generates or budget responsibility. Qualifications/Requirements (Education / Experience / Competencies) 申请资格 / 职位要求 (教育背景 / 工作经验 / 知识与技能) • Master degree in medicine / pharmacy, with a minimum of 4 years’ industry experience in an external facing role. • Relevant experience in the pharmaceutical industry. • Strong skills in coaching, leading, and management of people. • Effective communication skills at all levels of the business. • Strong business mindset and ability to balance cross-functional objectives. • Leadership experience in a matrix environment with demonstrated excellence in cross-functional working to drive business focused outcomes. • Effective networking and collaboration skills to achieve business results. • Strong knowledge of the pharmaceutical governance environment. • Significant operational management experience (i.e. resource, budget, project evaluation) • Strong negotiation and strategic influencing skills. • An understanding clinical development, and statistical design and analysis. • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.


我们的使命与雄心 葛兰素史克(GSK)是一家以“汇聚科学、技术与人才,合力超越,共克疾病”为使命的全球生物医药公司。 我们致力于在未来十年为25亿人的健康带来积极影响。我们对增长和跨越式绩效的新承诺,展现了我们对患者的远大抱负。同时我们也是一家能够助力杰出人才蓬勃发展、人尽其才的公司。 在中国,我们始终致力于帮助改善中国人民的健康、生活和未来。 我们在中国的分布  业务覆盖中国250多个城市和地区  5个区域中心:北京、上海、成都、广州、杭州  1个位于上海的全国商业营运中心  1所位于上海的研发中心  1所位于北京的传染病和公共卫生研究所 我们在中国的业务  疫苗:我们致力于提高疫苗对中国患者和消费者的可及性。我们的儿童及成人疫苗可预防多种疾病:带状疱疹疫苗、宫颈癌疫苗,以及包括成人及儿童两种剂型的乙肝病毒疫苗。  处方药:我们的处方药业务拥有丰富的创新和成熟的产品组合。在中国,我们目前专注于以下疾病领域:呼吸系统、肝炎、神经系统疾病、HIV/艾滋病,以及包括系统性红斑狼疮在内的免疫系统疾病和包括肺动脉高压、嗜酸性肉芽肿性多血管炎(EGPA) 在内的罕见病。


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  • a. 扣押您的身份证件或者其他证件;
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  • e. 发布虚假招聘广告信息;
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  • g. 存在其他损害您的合法权益的行为。
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